

English As A Second Language

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Afbeelding van de feestelijke opening van de Centrumschool (Centrumlaan 1) voor openbaar basisonderwijs te De Meern (gemeente Vleuten-De Meern). Tijdens de opening, verricht door staatssecretaris Grosheide, werd het door José Pirkner vervaardigde beeld "De Steltlopers" onthuld en balonnen opgelatenN.B. De gemeente Vleuten-De Meern is per 1 jan. 2001 bij de gemeente Utrecht gevoegd. De naam van de Centrumschool is later gewijzigd in De Meander, school voor openbaar Montessori-basisonderwijs. por Verheul, J., fotograaf - Het Utrechts Archief, Netherlands - CC BY.

The methodology of the Lingua Franca learning groups focuses on the rapid acquisition of active linguistic skills and knowledge in a foreign language, that is, knowing how to express and orient oneself in a non-native language environment.

The methodology of this course is based on three related theories, all of them relevant to current language learning.

A) The vocabulary, the level of linguistic knowledge and the grammatical complexity are oriented in the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages ​​(CEFR) based on the theories of Carlos C. Jiménez (Jimenez, 2004). For the initiation to level A1, a vocabulary based on Basic English by C.K. Odgen (Lockhart, 1950; Ogden, 1937, 2013), expanded by approximately 10% with thematic words, to facilitate the immediate use of basic tools for communication in the English language.

B) The syllabus and contents are based on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) by David Marsh and Anne Maljers and are focused on the interests and needs that arise from the concrete context of the students. The resources here are aimed at Spanish speakers, especially groups such as young professionals, civil servants and young adults, children and families.

C) The pedagogical theory is oriented in Carl Rogers and his student-centered learning. As such it is based on the idea that a language cannot be taught, but that the teacher's task is to facilitate learning, make the student aware of their resources and capabilities and propose techniques and methods for learning to strengthen skills, talents and abilities. personal inclinations of the student. The pace of learning is defined according to the time that the student can dedicate to learning and his personal possibilities.